History v 2.69 [11/11/98]: - Corrected Bug: . Find/Replace dialog box don't disappear now. - Added: . New Action: 'Remove Placement Modification' . Replace Base Language Section in Version Resource by Destination Language v 2.68 [10/21/98]: - Corrected Bug: . Goto next Untranslated Item were stopping on Untranslated Items which have Read-Only Status. v 2.67 [10/14/98]: - Corrected Bug: . Some dialog had Italic style. v 2.66 [10/12/98]: - Corrected Bug: . OLE and Custom controls are replaced by a static control to enable dialog modifications v 2.65 [09/20/98]: - Corrected Bug: . Generation of translated resources in executable files has been modified to avoid a windows bug v 2.62 [06/18/98]: - Added: . New Option in Apply Glossaries: 'Allow SHortcuts Approximations' v 2.61 [05/10/98]: - Added: . Import of AppLocalize tranlsation into Glossaries . Multiple entries now possible in glossaries - Corrected Bugs: . Problem when Adding/Merging Resources File v 2.60 [03/25/98]: - Added: . Import of Microsoft RLTool Glossaries . Printing of glossaries . Choice of the resulting Status when applying glossary . Clear Button in Glossary view to clear Key and Value Fields . Message to confirm Key replacement . Improvment in glossary: strings with or without accelerators are now finded in glossary even if the accelerator don't match. . Coordinates are displayed in 'dialog box modify' - Corrected Bugs: . Problem when importing Unicode File . Bad selected glossary key after adding a key . Scroll problem in 'dialog box modify' v 2.57 [03/09/98]: - Imrovement: . Add/Merging to destination language has been improved to limit the number of unmatched controls. v 2.56 [03/04/98]: - Corrected Bugs: . When Add/Merge a .DLL and after Add/Merge .RES file, Items when duplicated, not merged . WS_DISABLED Dialog Boxes can't be modified in AppLocalize Resource Editor . Error when Add/Merge some file to destination language v 2.55 [02/23/98]: - Added: . An option in Action/Generate resources ("If you can't read generated executable resources, check this") because executable resources API have problems with some files. v 2.54 [02/03/98]: - Corrected Bugs: . Controls coordinates were bad calculated for some dialog boxes and for spins v 2.53 [01/31/98]: - Corrected Bugs: . Strange Problem when generating translated .exe/.dll: for some cases, the generated .exe/.dll have no resources. . Controls coordinates were bad calculated for some dialog boxes. v 2.52 [01/25/98]: - Corrected Problem: . Long delay for some files when opening Hierarchical View. v 2.51 [01/20/98]: - Added: . Scroll Bars in 'Modify Group' Dialog Box. v 2.5 [01/15/98]: - Corrected Bugs: . Bug when Add/Merge: deleted items were not marked as 'Deleted' . Bug in ASCII/UNICODE Import (.AppLocalize files and Glossaries Files) . Bug when applying glossary: replacement were not done with 'best match' glossary item. . Bug when in glossary: matching was not done with 'best match' item. - Added: . Add/Merge and Generate parameters are now saved in the .AppLocalize file . New option in Action\Delete Versions to enable deletion of item marked as 'Deleted' . You can now expand all items in hierarchical view (with buttons or mouse shift-clicking) v 2.5 Beta 6 [12/14/97]: - Corrected Bugs: Bug in 16/32 Bits Res file extracted from executables. Bug in ASCII/UNICODE Import Dialog Size Modifications File\Setup (modifications was not saved) Hirarchical View Items selection - Added: 'Modify Group' feature for 16 Bits resources. User can add new languages (see Readme.txt) v 2.5 Beta 5 [12/03/97]: - Corrected Bugs: Bug in 16/32 Bits Res file extracted from executables. Bug in ASCII/UNICODE Import v 2.5 Beta 4 [12/01/97]: - Corrected Bug: Generate resources into excutable files. Dialog Size Modifications under Win95. - Added: Toolbar for alignement,.. in 'Dialog Modification' Dialog Box. v 2.5 Beta 3 [11/23/97]: - Corrected: Version bug for file generated with v 2.5 Beta 2. v 2.5 Beta 2 [11/22/97]: - Corrected bug: Correction for Extended Menu and Extended Dialog Boxes - Corrected bug: Correction for bad .exe resources format problem v 2.5 Beta 1 [11/18/97]: - Added: . Glossary Support . Search and Replace . Dialog resizing . mouse right-button menu in Hierarchical view to enable fast modifications . code pages default values v 2.03 [08/16/97]: - Corrected bug: Correction for Description/Fonts Mapping crash on Win95 - Modification: There is a new parameter in File/Setup/General: 'Font default point size'. It is used to define the default point size for displaying strings which gave no font specifications (menu items, control item of dialog box without font...) v 2.02f [07/20/97]: - Corrected bug: Bugs corrected on VBX support feature. - Corrected bug: When reading 'Version' resources with certain padding. - Corrected bug: 'Disable buffer' was ignored in "Generate translated Resources File..." - Corrected bug: In Accelerator table procession when "Generate translated Resources File...": Some accelerators were ignored if the number of acceleartor changed. v 2.02e [07/03/97]: - Modification: Now, in Base Language pane (in Hierarchical View), we allways display last base language version. v 2.02d [07/01/97]: - Corrected bug: UniqId overflow. It doesn't cause major problem. - Corrected bug: Importing Ansi or Unicode may produce a message: Error 2308 : Can't find record for line xx. This was because we exported UniqId as DWORD and import them as long. With this version, you can import your exported files. - Corrected bug: Imported status was not good (i.e. "OK" was transformed to "Deleted" and other status to "OK") This produce no major problem. You can re-export your file, replace "Deleted" with "OK". v 2.02c [06/29/97]: - Corrected bug: When Add/Merge a resource file for the 2nd time, there was a crash when AppLocalize tried to find common childs for an item. - Corrected bug: In Add/Merge, in the second round test, test was case sensitive instead of case insensitive. - Corrected bug: Document modified flag was not allways positionned when Add/Merge from resource file. v 2.02b [06/26/97]: Release Version