;kdewin installer configuration file @format 1.3 ; this format is *prelimary* and may be changed without prior notice @minversion 0.9.4 @timestamp 200904060100 ; category notes @categorynotes aspell-data Spelling packages @categorynotes debug-tools tools required or usefull for debugging @categorynotes devel-tools tools required or usefull for development @categorynotes KDE KDE packages @categorynotes kdesupport KDE support packages @categorynotes kde-3rdparty external KDE support packages @categorynotes kde-l10n KDE localization packages @categorynotes qt Qt related packages ; to which category packages belongs to @categorypackages win32libs aspell cyrus-sasl ebook-tools expat gettext giflib gpgme iconv jasper jpeg lcms libbzip2 libgmp libgs libical libidn libpng libxml2 libxslt libzip mysql-embedded openslp openssl shared-mime-info sqlite tiff zlib @categorypackages win32libs pcre-msvc dbus-msvc exiv2-msvc gpgme-qt-msvc libspectre-msvc libmsn-msvc libdvdcss-msvc libsamplerate-msvc @categorypackages win32libs pcre-mingw dbus-mingw exiv2-mingw gpgme-qt-mingw libspectre-mingw libmsn-mingw libdvdcss-mingw libsamplerate-mingw @categorypackages tools findutils grep mingw-utils diffutils patch @categorypackages kdesupport kdewin32-msvc kdewin-installer-msvc vcredist qimageblitz-msvc qca-msvc strigi-msvc soprano-msvc taglib-msvc phonon-msvc fontconfig-msvc freetype-msvc poppler-msvc automoc-msvc @categorypackages kdesupport kdewin32-mingw kdewin-installer-mingw runtime-mingw qimageblitz-mingw qca-mingw strigi-mingw soprano-mingw taglib-mingw phonon-mingw fontconfig-mingw freetype-mingw poppler-mingw automoc-mingw @categorypackages KDE amarok-msvc digikam-msvc kdelibs-msvc kdepimlibs-msvc kdepim-msvc kdebase-apps-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdebase-workspace-msvc kdeedu-msvc kdegames-msvc kdegraphics-msvc kdenetwork-msvc kdesdk-msvc kdewebdev-msvc kdeutils-msvc kdeplasma-addons-msvc kipi-plugins-msvc @categorypackages KDE amarok-mingw digikam-mingw kdelibs-mingw kdepimlibs-mingw kdepim-mingw kdebase-apps-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdebase-workspace-mingw kdeedu-mingw kdegames-mingw kdegraphics-mingw kdenetwork-mingw kdesdk-mingw kdewebdev-mingw kdeutils-mingw kdeplasma-addons-mingw kipi-plugins-mingw @categorypackages KDE koffice-msvc ktorrent-msvc kile-msvc kde-additional-msvc kdevelop-msvc kdevplatform-msvc konversation-msvc @categorypackages KDE koffice-mingw ktorrent-mingw kile-mingw kde-additional-mingw kdevelop-mingw kdevplatform-mingw konversation-mingw @categorypackages KDEUNSTABLE k3b-msvc k3b-mingw @categorypackages qt qt-msvc qt-mingw qt-static-msvc @categorypackages kde-l10n kde-l10n-af kde-l10n-ar kde-l10n-be kde-l10n-bg kde-l10n-bn kde-l10n-bn_IN kde-l10n-br kde-l10n-ca kde-l10n-cs kde-l10n-csb kde-l10n-cy kde-l10n-da kde-l10n-de kde-l10n-el kde-l10n-en_GB @categorypackages kde-l10n kde-l10n-eo kde-l10n-es kde-l10n-et kde-l10n-eu kde-l10n-fa kde-l10n-fi kde-l10n-fr kde-l10n-fy kde-l10n-ga kde-l10n-gl kde-l10n-gu kde-l10n-ha kde-l10n-he kde-l10n-hi kde-l10n-hr kde-l10n-hsb @categorypackages kde-l10n kde-l10n-hu kde-l10n-hy kde-l10n-is kde-l10n-it kde-l10n-ja kde-l10n-ka kde-l10n-kk kde-l10n-km kde-l10n-kn kde-l10n-ko kde-l10n-ku kde-l10n-lb kde-l10n-lt kde-l10n-lv kde-l10n-ml kde-l10n-mk @categorypackages kde-l10n kde-l10n-ms kde-l10n-mt kde-l10n-nb kde-l10n-nds kde-l10n-ne kde-l10n-nl kde-l10n-nn kde-l10n-nso kde-l10n-oc kde-l10n-pa kde-l10n-pl kde-l10n-pt kde-l10n-pt_BR kde-l10n-ro kde-l10n-ru @categorypackages kde-l10n kde-l10n-rw kde-l10n-se kde-l10n-sk kde-l10n-sl kde-l10n-sr kde-l10n-sr@latin kde-l10n-sv kde-l10n-ta kde-l10n-te kde-l10n-tg kde-l10n-th kde-l10n-tr kde-l10n-uk kde-l10n-uz kde-l10n-vi @categorypackages kde-l10n kde-l10n-wa kde-l10n-xh kde-l10n-x-test kde-l10n-zh_CN kde-l10n-zh_HK kde-l10n-zh_TW @categorypackages aspell-data aspell-af aspell-am aspell-ar aspell-az aspell-be aspell-bg aspell-bn aspell-br aspell-ca aspell-cs aspell-csb aspell-cy aspell-da aspell-de aspell-el aspell-en @categorypackages aspell-data aspell-eo aspell-es aspell-et aspell-fa aspell-fi aspell-fo aspell-fr aspell-ga aspell-gd aspell-gl aspell-gv aspell-he aspell-hi aspell-hil aspell-hr aspell-hsb @categorypackages aspell-data aspell-hu aspell-ia aspell-id aspell-is aspell-it aspell-ku aspell-la aspell-lt aspell-lv aspell-mg aspell-mi aspell-mk aspell-mn aspell-mr aspell-ms aspell-mt @categorypackages aspell-data aspell-nb aspell-nn aspell-no aspell-ny aspell-or aspell-pa aspell-pl aspell-pt aspell-qu aspell-ro aspell-ru aspell-rw aspell-sc aspell-sk aspell-sl aspell-sr @categorypackages aspell-data aspell-sv aspell-sw aspell-ta aspell-tet aspell-tl aspell-tn aspell-tr aspell-uk aspell-uz aspell-vi aspell-wa aspell-yi aspell-zu @endusercategories KDE aspell-data kde-l10n ;------------------------------------------------------ ; all packages on the mirror ;------------------------------------------------------ @site all @type apachemodindex @url . ; @exclude config.txt ; compiler independent deps @deps findutils gettext @deps grep pcre-mingw @deps shared-mime-info gettext libxml2 iconv @deps ebook-tools libzip @deps libspectre libgs ; mingw dependencies @deps amarok-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw phonon-mingw taglib-mingw mysql-embedded taglib-extras-mingw qtscriptgenerator-mingw @deps automoc-mingw qt-mingw @deps dbus-mingw expat @deps digikam-mingw kdegraphics-mingw kdeedu-mingw exiv2-mingw lcms @deps gpgme-qt-mingw gpgme qt-mingw @deps k3b-mingw kdelibs-mingw libdvdcss-mingw @deps kdelibs-mingw qt-mingw phonon-mingw pcre-mingw dbus-mingw kdewin32-mingw qimageblitz-mingw qca-mingw strigi-mingw soprano-mingw taglib-mingw aspell libbzip2 expat giflib iconv jasper jpeg gettext libpng libxml2 libxslt openssl tiff zlib shared-mime-info @deps kdebase-apps-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw @deps kdebase-runtime-mingw kdepimlibs-mingw kdelibs-mingw @deps kdebase-workspace-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw @deps kdeedu-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw openbabel-mingw cfitsio @deps kdegames-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw phonon-mingw @deps kdegraphics-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw poppler-mingw ebook-tools libspectre exiv2-mingw @deps kdemultimedia-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw taglib-mingw @deps kdenetwork-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw sqlite libgmp libidn libmsn-mingw @deps kdepim-mingw kdepimlibs-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw gpgme-qt-mingw sqlite @deps kdepimlibs-mingw kdelibs-mingw boost-mingw libical cyrus-sasl @deps kdesdk-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw kdepimlibs-mingw astyle diffutils @deps kdetoys-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw @deps kdeutils-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw libzip libgmp @deps kdevplatform-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw @deps kdevelop-mingw kdevplatform-mingw @deps kdewebdev-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw @deps kdewin-installer-mingw qt-mingw @deps kdewin32-mingw qt-mingw @deps kde-additional-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw @deps kile-mingw kdesdk-mingw @deps kipi-plugins-mingw kdegraphics-mingw kdepimlibs-mingw @deps koffice-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw lcms @deps konversation-mingw kdebase-runtime-mingw kdelibs-mingw @deps ktorrent-mingw libgmp kdebase-runtime-mingw qca-mingw @deps phonon-mingw qt-mingw @deps poppler-mingw fontconfig-mingw freetype-mingw @deps qca-mingw cyrus-sasl openssl @deps qt-mingw dbus-mingw runtime-mingw @deps strigi-mingw libbzip2 openssl zlib iconv libxml2 exiv2-mingw ; msvc dependencies @deps amarok-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc phonon-msvc taglib-msvc mysql-embedded taglib-extras-msvc qtscriptgenerator-msvc @deps automoc-msvc qt-msvc ; dbus may be compiled with libxml2 or expat, so use both dependencies @deps dbus-msvc libxml2 iconv expat @deps digikam-msvc kdegraphics-msvc kdeedu-msvc exiv2-msvc lcms @deps gpgme-qt-msvc gpgme qt-msvc @deps k3b-msvc kdelibs-msvc libdvdcss-msvc @deps kdebase-apps-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc @deps kdebase-runtime-msvc kdepimlibs-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps kdebase-workspace-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc @deps kdeedu-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc openbabel-msvc cfitsio @deps kdegames-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc phonon-msvc @deps kdegraphics-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc poppler-msvc ebook-tools libspectre exiv2-msvc @deps kdelibs-msvc qt-msvc phonon-msvc pcre-msvc vcredist qt-msvc dbus-msvc kdewin32-msvc qimageblitz-msvc qca-msvc strigi-msvc soprano-msvc taglib-msvc aspell libbzip2 expat giflib iconv jasper jpeg gettext libpng libxml2 libxslt openssl tiff zlib shared-mime-info @deps kdemultimedia-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc taglib-msvc @deps kdenetwork-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc sqlite libgmp libidn libmsn-msvc @deps kdepim-msvc kdepimlibs-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc gpgme-qt-msvc sqlite @deps kdepimlibs-msvc kdelibs-msvc boost-msvc libical cyrus-sasl @deps kdesdk-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc astyle diffutils @deps kdetoys-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps kdeutils-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc libzip libgmp @deps kdevplatform-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc @deps kdevelop-msvc kdevplatform-msvc @deps kdewebdev-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps kdewin-installer-msvc qt-msvc @deps kdewin32-msvc qt-msvc @deps kde-additional-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc @deps kile-msvc kdesdk-msvc @deps kipi-plugins-msvc kdegraphics-msvc kdepimlibs-msvc @deps koffice-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc lcms @deps konversation-msvc kdebase-runtime-msvc kdelibs-msvc @deps ktorrent-msvc libgmp kdebase-runtime-msvc qca-msvc @deps phonon-msvc qt-msvc @deps poppler-msvc fontconfig-msvc freetype-msvc @deps qca-msvc cyrus-sasl openssl @deps qt-msvc dbus-msvc vcredist @deps strigi-msvc libbzip2 openssl zlib iconv libxml2 exiv2-msvc ; compiler independent @pkgnotes aspell A powerful spell checker, designed to replace ispell @pkgnotes aspell-af Afrikaans spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-am Amharic spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-ar Arabic spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-az Azerbaijani spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-be Belarusian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-bg Bulgarian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-bn Bengali spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-br Breton spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-ca Catalan spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-csb Kashubian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-cs Czech spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-cy Welsh spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-da Danish spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-de German spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-el Greek spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-en English spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-eo Esperanto spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-es Spanish spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-et Estonian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-fa Farsi spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-fi Finnish spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-fo Faroese spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-fr French spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-ga Irish Gaelic spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-gd Scottish Gaelic spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-gl Galician spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-gv Manx Gaelic spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-he Hebrew spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-hi Hindi spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-hil Hiligaynon spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-hr Croatian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-hsb Upper Sorbian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-hu Hungarian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-ia Interlingua spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-id Indonesian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-is Icelandic spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-it Italian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-ku Kurdish spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-la Latin spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-lt Lithuanian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-lv Latvian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-mg Malagasy spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-mi Maori spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-mk Macedonian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-mn Mongolian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-mr Marathi spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-ms Malay spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-mt Maltese spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-nb Norwegian Bokmal spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-nn Norwegian Nynorsk spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-no Norwegian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-ny Chichewa spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-or Oriya spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-pa Panjabi/Punjabi spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-pl Polish spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-pt Portuguese spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-qu Quechua spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-ro Romanian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-ru Russian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-rw Kinyarwanda spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-sc Sardinian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-sl Slovenian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-sk Slovak spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-sr Serbian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-sv Swedish spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-sw Swahili spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-ta Tamil spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-tet Tetum spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-tl Tagalog spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-tn Setswana spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-tr Turkish spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-uk Ukrainian spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-uz Uzbek spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-vi Vietnamese spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-wa Walloon spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-yi Yiddish spelling package @pkgnotes aspell-zu Zulu spelling package @pkgnotes astyle source code formatter @pkgnotes boost-* portable C++ libraries @pkgnotes byacc Berkeley parser generator @pkgnotes bzip2 Bzip compression utility @pkgnotes cfitsio library for the FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) file format @pkgnotes clucene high-performance, full-featured text search engine (required for compiling strigi) @pkgnotes cyrus-sasl Cyrus SASL implementation @pkgnotes diffutils Tools to find difference between two files @pkgnotes dbus-* Freedesktop message bus system (daemon and clients) @pkgnotes ebook-tools Tools for accessing and converting various ebook file formats @pkgnotes eigen Lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math @pkgnotes eigen2 Lightweight C++ template library for vector and matrix math @pkgnotes expat XML parser library written in C (development/documentation package) @pkgnotes findutils Utilities to find files @pkgnotes flex Fast lexical analyzer generator @pkgnotes gawk GNU Awk programming language @pkgnotes gettext GNU internationalization (i18n) @pkgnotes gettext-tools GNU internationalization (i18n) tools @pkgnotes gmm C++ template library for advanced linear algebra supporting dense and sparse representation of matrices and vectors @pkgnotes grep Global Regular Expression Print @pkgnotes giflib GIF file manipulation library (utilities and docs) @pkgnotes gpgme GnuPG cryptography support library (runtime) @pkgnotes gzip GNU zip compression tool @pkgnotes iconv GNU character set conversion library and utilities @pkgnotes jasper JPEG-2000 Library @pkgnotes jpeg A library for manipulating JPEG image format files @pkgnotes lcms A small-footprint, speed optimized color management engine @pkgnotes libbzip2 shared libraries for bzip2 (runtime) @pkgnotes libdvdcss-* simple library to access encrypted dvds @pkgnotes libgs-GPL a library for printing post script files @pkgnotes libical reference implementation of the icalendar data type and serialization format @pkgnotes libidn internationalized domain names library @pkgnotes gettext native language support library @pkgnotes libpng PNG library (runtime) @pkgnotes libsamplerate-* an audio sample rate converter library @pkgnotes libspectre a wrapper library for libgs @pkgnotes libxml2 XML C parser and toolkit (runtime and applications) @pkgnotes libxslt The GNOME XSLT C library and tools @pkgnotes libzip a zip library @pkgnotes md5sums md5 checksum tool @pkgnotes mingw-utils Mingw Utilities @pkgnotes mysql-embedded MySql embedded database library @pkgnotes openslp openslp client and libraries @pkgnotes openssl The OpenSSL runtime environment @pkgnotes patch Tool to merge diff files @pkgnotes redland Resource Description Framework (RDF) @pkgnotes sed Stream Editor @pkgnotes shared-mime-info common mimetype library @pkgnotes tar Tape ARchive @pkgnotes tiff TIFF image library (utilities) @pkgnotes wget Tool to get websites / files @pkgnotes zlib The zlib compression and decompression library ; mingw/msvc related @pkgnotes akonadi-* KDE4 Personal Information Manager framework @pkgnotes amarok-* media player @pkgnotes automoc-* build system application @pkgnotes digikam-* UNSTABLE a photo management application @pkgnotes exiv2-* an image metadata library @pkgnotes fontconfig-* library for font customization and configuration @pkgnotes freetype-* A Free, High-Quality, and Portable Font Engine @pkgnotes gpgme-qt-* Qt wrapper for gpgme library @pkgnotes k3b-* the KDE CD/DVD burning application @pkgnotes kdebase-apps-* KDE base applicaton package @pkgnotes kdebase-runtime-* KDE runtime package @pkgnotes kdebase-workspace-* parts of the KDE desktop package @pkgnotes kdeedu-* KDE education apps @pkgnotes kdegames-* KDE games @pkgnotes kdegraphics-* Graphics applications (including Okular) @pkgnotes kdelibs-* KDE libraries (support applications) @pkgnotes kdepim-* UNSTABLE KDE Personal Informations Suite @pkgnotes kdepimlibs-* UNSTABLE KDE PIM libraries @pkgnotes kdemultimedia-* KDE multimedia applications (jux, kmix, kmixctrl, kscd) @pkgnotes kdenetwork-* KDE Networking applications @pkgnotes kdesdk-* software development package (umbrello, kate) @pkgnotes kdetoys-* collection of several programs in KDE @pkgnotes kdeutils-* various desktop utilities (KGpg, Okteta) @pkgnotes kdevelop-* UNSTABLE KDevelop integrated development environment @pkgnotes kdevplatform-* UNSTABLE KDevelop reusable libraries @pkgnotes kdewebdev-* KDE Web Development applications @pkgnotes kdewin32-* kde supplementary package for win32 @pkgnotes kde-additional-* Cursors and Platform KCM Module @pkgnotes kile-* UNSTABLE latex editor @pkgnotes kipi-plugins-* UNSTABLE plugins for graphics applications @pkgnotes koffice-* UNSTABLE KDE Office application suite @pkgnotes konversation-* UNSTABLE KDE irc client @pkgnotes ktorrent-* UNSTABLE KDE Torrent client @pkgnotes libgmp devel-tools GNU MP library for abritary precision arithmetic @pkgnotes openbabel-* program to convert the various file formats used in chemical software @pkgnotes phonon-* KDE KDE4 multimedia API @pkgnotes poppler-* PDF rendering library based on xpdf-3.0 @pkgnotes pcre-* Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (utilities) @pkgnotes qca-* Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) @pkgnotes qimageblitz-* KDE image effect library @pkgnotes qt-* C++ GUI application framework @pkgnotes runtime-* Mingw runtime files @pkgnotes soprano-* RDF storage solutions library @pkgnotes strigi-* desktop search engine @pkgnotes subversion-* software revision system @pkgnotes taglib-* audio meda-data library ; language packages @pkgnotes kde-l10n-af Afrikaans language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ar Arabic language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-az Azerbaijani language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-be Belarusian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-bg Bulgarian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-bn Bengali language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-bn_IN Bengali (India) language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-bo Tibetan language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-br Breton language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-bs Bosnian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ca Catalan language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-cs Czech language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-csb Kashubian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-cy Welsh language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-da Danish language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-de German language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-el Greek language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-en_GB British English language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-eo Esperanto language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-es Spanish language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-et Estonian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-eu Basque language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-fa Farsi language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-fi Finnish language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-fo Faroese language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-fr French language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-fy Frisian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ga Irish Gaelic language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-gl Galician language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-gu Gujarati language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ha Hausa language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-he Hebrew language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-hi Hindi language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-hr Croatian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-hsb Upper Sorbian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-hu Hungarian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-hy Armenian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-id Indonesian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-is Icelandic language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-it Italian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ja Japanese language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ka Georgian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-kk Kazakh language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-km Khmer language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-kn Kannada language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ko Korean language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ku Kurdish language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-lb Luxembourgish language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-lo Lao language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-lt Lithuanian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-lv Latvian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-mi Maori language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ml Malayalam language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-mk Macedonian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-mn Mongolian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ms Malay language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-mt Maltese language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ne Nepali language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-nl Dutch language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-nb Norwegian Bokmal language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-nds Low Saxon language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-nso Northern Sotho language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-nn Norwegian Nynorsk language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-oc Occitan language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-pa Panjabi/Punjabi language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-pl Polish language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-pt Portuguese language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-pt_BR Brazilian Portuguese language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ro Romanian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ru Russian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-rw Kinyarwanda language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-se Northern Sami language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-sk Slovak language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-sl Slovenian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-sq Albanian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-sr Serbian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-sr@latin Serbian Latin language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ss Swati language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-sv Swedish language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ta Tamil language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-te Telugu language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-tg Tajik language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-th Thai language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-tr Turkish language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-tt Tatar language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-uk Ukrainian language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-uz Uzbek language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-ven Venda language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-vi Vietnamese language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-wa Walloon language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-xh Xhosa language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-zh_CN Chinese Simplified language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-zh_HK Chinese (Hong Kong) language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-zh_TW Chinese Traditional language package @pkgnotes kde-l10n-zu Zulu language package ;====================================================== ; external packages ;====================================================== ;------------------------------------------------------ ; 3rdparty runtime packages ;------------------------------------------------------ @package oggcodecs @category kde-3rdparty @notes Directshow Filters for Ogg Vorbis @version @url-bin http://www.free-codecs.com/download_soft.php?d=4151&s=58 OggDS0995.exe @filename-bin OggDS0995.exe ;@control ,, ;@control Button,I Agree,20 ;@control Button,Close,20 @nomd5 ;------------------------------------------------------ ; debugging tools ;------------------------------------------------------ @package dbg_x86 @category debug-tools @version @notes msvc Debugging Tools @url-bin http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols/debuggers/dbg_x86_6.9.3.113.msi @nomd5 @package regmon @category debug-tools @version 7.04 @notes registry monitor @url-bin http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/Regmon.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @nomd5 @package filemon @category debug-tools @version 7.04 @notes filesystem monitor @url-bin http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/Filemon.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @nomd5 @package procmon @category debug-tools @version 7.04 @notes process monitor @url-bin http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/ProcessMonitor.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @nomd5 @package gdb @category debug-tools @version 6.8 @notes mingw debugger @url-bin http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/gdb-6.8-mingw-3.tar.bz2 @nomd5 @package debugview @category debug-tools @version 4.64 @notes debug message monitor @url-bin http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/DebugView.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @nomd5 @package procexp @category debug-tools @version 11.04 @notes Process Explorer @url-bin http://download.sysinternals.com/Files/ProcessExplorer.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @nomd5 @package perl @notes Perl Installer @category tools @version 5.8.8 @url-bin http://downloads.activestate.com/ActivePerl/Windows/5.8/ActivePerl- ;@packageoptions @nomd5 @package zip @category tools @version 2.31 @notes zip tool @url-bin http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnuwin32/zip-2.31-bin.zip @url-lib http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnuwin32/zip-2.31-lib.zip @url-doc http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnuwin32/zip-2.31-doc.zip @url-src http://switch.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/gnuwin32/zip-2.31-src.zip @nomd5 ;------------------------------------------------------ ; devel-tools ;------------------------------------------------------ @package cmake @category devel-tools @notes platform independent build tool @version 2.6.2 @url-bin http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.6/cmake-2.6.2-win32-x86.zip cmake-2.6.2-bin.zip @url-src http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.6/cmake-2.6.2.zip cmake-2.6.2-src.zip @relocate cmake-2.6.2-win32-x86 . @nomd5 @package depends @notes Dependency Walker @category debug-tools @version 2.2 @url-bin http://www.dependencywalker.com/depends22_x86.zip depends-2.2-bin.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @nomd5 @package directx-sdk @category devel-tools @notes DirectX SDK April 2007 @version 2007-04 @url-bin http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/b/d/3bd0a88d-4e99-49fc-931d-9eeb11ecd2a3/dxsdk_apr2007.exe @nomd5 @package doxygen @notes Source code documentation generator tool @category devel-tools @version 1.5.6 @url-bin http://ftp.stack.nl/pub/users/dimitri/doxygen-1.5.6.windows.bin.zip doxygen-1.5.6-bin.zip @relocate ^ bin/ @nomd5 @package gcc-mingw @version 5.1.4 @category devel-tools @notes gcc for windows @url-bin http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/MinGW-5.1.4.exe @nomd5 @package psdk-msvc @category devel-tools @notes MS Platform SDK 2003 @version r2 @url-bin http://download.microsoft.com/download/f/a/d/fad9efde-8627-4e7a-8812-c351ba099151/PSDK-x86.exe @nomd5 @package subversion @version 1.5.2 @category devel-tools @notes software revision system @url-bin http://subversion.tigris.org/files/documents/15/43506/Setup-Subversion-1.5.2.en-us.msi @nomd5 @package tortoisecvs @category devel-tools @version 1.10.9 @notes cvs explorer integration @url-bin http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tortoisecvs/TortoiseCVS-1.10.9.exe @nomd5 @package tortoisesvn @category devel-tools @version 1.5.4 @notes svn explorer integration @url-bin http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/tortoisesvn/TortoiseSVN- @nomd5 @package upx @notes Ultimate Packer for eXecutables with lzma support @category devel-tools @version 3.0.3 @url-bin http://upx.sourceforge.net/download/upx303w.zip upx-3.0.3-bin.zip ; relocate directories in zip files @relocate upx303w bin @nomd5 @package vcexpress-en-msvc @category devel-tools @version 2005 @notes Visual Studio Express 2005 (english version) @url-bin http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/3/a/83aad8f9-38ba-4503-b3cd-ba28c360c27b/ENU/vcsetup.exe @nomd5 @package vcexpress-de-msvc @category devel-tools @version 2005 @notes Visual Studio Express 2005 (german version) @url-bin http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/3/a/83aad8f9-38ba-4503-b3cd-ba28c360c27b/DEU/vcsetup.exe @nomd5 @package vcredist @category devel-tools @version 8.0.50727.762 @notes Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) @url-bin http://download.microsoft.com/download/e/1/c/e1c773de-73ba-494a-a5ba-f24906ecf088/vcredist_x86.exe @nomd5 @package winscp @category devel-tools @version 4.1.7 @notes secure transfer copy tool @url-bin http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/winscp/winscp417setup.exe @nomd5